horns of wilmington's cow

By anth

10k Done (Painfully)

I need to stick to cycling, rather than every now and then wondering if I can run... I didn't expect my dodgy left knee to blow up quite so early, around the 3.5km mark. Limped to 5km, and the water stop, and seriously considered dropping out, but got a second wind.
Problem then was a realised I was overcompensating with my right leg, so that calf tightened up, and I started losing feeling in my right foot. Worked on adapting my stride (hah, sounds like I know what I'm doing) and that cleared up with 1.5km to go.
Had enough in the tank at the end that I think I'd have managed my aim of sub-1 hour (okay, still not fast, but...), however sense may have finally caught up with me.
Adrenaline and encouragement from people along the route does wonders for masking pain - but within minutes of finishing my knee was ready to crumble. Putting it through that again is not sensible!

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