
My Dear Princess and Lovely Nieces,

Today was my last day in Bridlington; I determined to get up early and to spend the morning with my dad.

He did not seem so great. He greeted me with his eyes and breathed a hello at me. But he seems to be running down, exhausted. He puts all of his remaining energy into flirting with the nursing staff. He twinkles at them and puts all his efforts into talking when they enter the room.

Of course he does. It's who he is. He can't stop now.

But afterward he collapses back. Today he seemed too tired to even enjoy his music. "Because They're Young" came on. He closed his eyes and fell asleep.

I have tried to bring him some home comforts. I bought him a travel kettle and made him a "Lift" lemon tea. He loves that stuff. He sucked it from a "Batman" drinking flask I bought him.

"Lovely..." he breathed. And then fell asleep at the effort. My sister arrived a couple of hours later with a bowl of ice cream from his favourite parlour.  It was a place called Notarianni's where he and mum used to go together. He managed a couple of spoons but he was worn out.

I said goodbye. I gave him a hug and laid my head on his chest for the very last time. I told him I'd see him in Aotearoa. The lie was more for me than him. I couldn't allow myself the finality of goodbye. I said "ka kite anō" instead. See you again, dad.

I hugged Tups goodbye as well. She protested that she'd see me later but I know how our family works. Plans always go elsewhere... not "awry" exactly... just in unexpected directions.

Libby and Abi took me for brunch. We told my dad we would go to his favourite breakfast place. This is important. Dad LOVES breakfast. It's his favourite thing. I had been bringing him bacon rolls every morning and breaking up the rashers so he could feed himself the little greasy pieces.

So we wanted him to know the girls would be getting me a good brekky.

They took me to Flamborough golf club's restaurant. It's a big room with a bar and friendly staff. You can sit and look out at the golfers and the green. The girls smiled wistfully and told  me I'd picked out G-Dad's favourite table. We talked about important things.

They told me about blocked toilets and I explained about Poo Knives.

I apologise for nothing. This is just who we are, as a family.

I also shared some of my memories of the two of them from when they were little. "I remember that!!" they peeped excitedly.

"Eeeeeee," said Abi happily.

"Eeeeeee," echoed Libby.

It's a happy little noise they both make and it makes the love rush to my heart. "It's today's blip title, you know that right?" I said.

I ate my dad's favourite breakfast and all trace of sadness was gone. I was where he loved to be with two funny, smart, strong, beautiful women who made him happiest of all. It's a wonderful life and a wonderful ending to a story filled with love.

Abi told me I reminded her a bit of "G-Dad". "You're such a caring soul, and you're both big softies," she added.

It's the best compliment she could ever give me.

Libby drove me to York after this. As anticipated, we were running late and so my earlier farewell to Tups was the last farewell after all. She called en route but that doesn't proper count.

The girls left me at York railway station where I was to catch the train to Manchester. But then they FOLLOWED me.

"We're just going to the toilet," they explained. So I hugged them goodbye again.

I bought my tickets and turned around and there they were. WTAF.

They had just finished. Abi dried her still-wet hands by wiping them on me.

One last hug then. One last LAST hug. I love them both in a way that lights me up inside and leaves me smiling and goofy.

I got onto a horrible crowded sticky train and didn't even care. I thought about Libby and about Abi and I held the memory of them close.



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