Capturing the moment

... when the birds decide that dinner is being served elsewhere.

It almost felt like the seaside at Worsbrough Dam yesterday evening.  It was wam and pleasant and good to be there, but I'd felt tired all day so I wasn't very good at focusing on photography and I've deleted most of the ones I took.  I guess I wouldn't have even been there if Positive Image Photo Club hadn't arranged an evening meet there.  There were only a few of us and it was good to see them, even though our meet up was brief.  I was early and left fairly early.

I did take a few in-camera multiples that I've saved, including a couple looking down at the dam structure, but really Ive done this before and I guess that project is over and done.

The reason the water level is down is because they are doing some very expensive repair - `Not necessary said a man I met who was walking his four dogs along the path - they could have done... like they did when they worked on the dam itself.'  I think his main point was that they'd lowered the water level at a crucial time for the breeding cycle of the wildlife , so the Grebes had abandoned their nest of eggs and the eggs from the fish that had spawned had been left to dry out in the shallows.

Extra:  in-camera multiple of the sculpture that is close to the lower bridge over the river.

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