Perennial Robin

The Robin has nested in the Perennials at my friends garden centre so we had to be very careful not to get to near while we were putting the plants out.The area around the bird has been roped off to keep the public away.
All over the North West today after delivering to Anglesey this morning.The drive down the Welsh coast was beautiful and it would have been nice to stop and take a few pictures but I had no time.
In between the orders we finalized the accounts and got the tax forms done.Home just in time to get the wages done.The real time PAYE has worked well and is very easy to use.
A lot of trolleys of plants on the yard ready for delivery tomorrow morning.First one into Liverpool for 5am and then reload to get down to Shropshire asap.Hope my Dad will do a couple of deliveries for me.Helen delivering as well today.

The weather has been very nice all day but has turned cool and cloudy this evening.

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