Dd To The Rescue!
I delivered my Yasheen story in class today (see yesterday for the back story, and thanks for your confidence in me!) I invoked both KendallisHere and AmandoAlentejo to establish my emotional connection with Yasheen to role model vulnerability and let people in to see more of my values and traits.
I had forgotten to take up the B5-PLUS report on fundamental drivers of a client that were the focus of an on-line gathering of his peer advisory board, that was meeting immediately afterwards, to advise him on career choices.
So, Dd followed my instructions over the phone to locate it in the mess of my papers at home and sent me a shot (under my direction!) to help the running of the session. As I have said before, there are 8bn of us on the planet and there would be 8bn different wiring diagrams if everyone did it! Fascinating, and if anything could be called my life’s work, it is bringing this body of knowledge to greater awareness and usage.
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