Cloud Burst

Shot before it darkened and the rain finally arrived.  Very thankful for other people's gardens!

The hearing lasted from 02.30 to 05.00, but not all of that time was for us.  We were number 4 on the list, but the lawyer for number 1 was caught in traffic and number 3 wanted to be last, so after about 10 minutes, it was us.  To avoid stress, I opened my game and played with the sound off so that I could hear what was going on.  The Viking has a hard time when procedures aren't being followed and the judge allows it.  Today's witness, whom I would like to call Venom (hahaha!), was duly questioned.  Bla bla blah.  There was a pause while the lawyer of number 1 had arrived, and then number 2 was speedily dispatched as well, after which we were on again but they forgot to unmute my microphone, and I did not feel it worth my while to even try to lipread what Venom was saying.  That said, I already knew anyway that she was simply clarifying what she'd already said in a previously constructed affidavit.  By the time we were done, the sky had lightened considerably, but I wanted to wait till the Viking phoned before going to bed, which I finally did at about 05.30..  He was busy so we agreed to talk after I woke up, and that was at 09.15.  It was going to be a busy day, so I didn't take too much time, but lack of sleep made the day a bit surreal.

While AW was still asleep, loaded some of the unrecyclable painting canvases I had cleared from upstairs into the car for the recycling centre.  The paintings that are still here need to be slightly retouched, but that will not be a problem.

At my desk, I left one final 'Announcement' on TEAMS for my 1st-year students, thanking them for a wonderful semester and wishing them luck in their careers, hoping to see them as managers of their hotels and restaurants in my future travels.  Within minutes, response after response ticked in.  I will share one of them -- "Dear Mrs Wag, I wanted to thank you for the last semester. Your lessons and enthusiasm were always fun for our long school days! All the best, Juliette".  Tear in my eye!

Then, first stop was the chocolate shop I'd discovered right next to the office of my 'favourite' notary public, just outside town.  Their products are divine!  The original idea was to park close to work, then walk to the centre to a shop there, then walk to work, but the heat would have melted whatever I had bought.  This other shop is so good they now have a client for life, I think.

Second stop was work, where I left the chocolates on the open table for everyone, with a short A4-sized thank-you note.  Never have I ever had more delight in leaving a gift than today.  I had also bought a special box of whisky bonbons for my boss.  He was in a meeting, but it was so warm that the doors were open (now that is what I call transparency!) and I could just walk in.  On the way there, colleagues I came across told me to come back again tomorrow, for sure, which now makes me think they're literally cooking up something.  I had not counted on that, but of course I will come again.  Even the boss said I should show up.  It was while I was at work that the Viking finally had time to phone.  There'll be an update memo later this week.

Then, the municipal recycling centre to leave (read: dump!) the canvasses.  

Then back home for tea, then back in the car and headed for IKEA, where I bought a children's coat rack for my working area, so that I can hang my bags properly, as well as a bag of Swedish cookies.  I also wanted a shelf I could attach to the wall just above my desk, but that can wait till after our holiday, and certainly after I clean my room.  It was while I was there that the skies finally opened and what a downpour that was.  Then home again to check my mail, and dinner wasn't ready long after, so I enjoyed that, but by the time we were done, I was finally ready to conk out.  Kitchen duties will wait.

Thankful that I finally experienced today what I had wanted for some time -- the satisfaction of a good day despite the MNL case because I lived in the present, because I filled my day with my life here instead of my head with my life there.  If I was able to do it today, I should be able to do it next week.

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