
By Essy

Dover Cliffs

Today we walked along the White Cliffs of Dover. They were really beautiful, and there was a huge port just over the Cliffs so we were able to watch all these massive boats sailing in and out. We arrived at a lighthouse eventually and while Adelaide and I waited for everyone else we practiced our English accents. 
We stopped at an English supermarket on our way to the next place we're staying and it was so weird, like Big W and Woolworths with different brands all smooshed together and made bigger with weird lighting and aisle arrangements. Unfortunately for Hugh we didn't find any new primes, but he did find a large selection of lynx deodorants which got him just as excited. 
Our next place is on a pile of rocks next to the ocean. An English beach I suppose. The funniest thing is that we saw some ladies sunbathing on these tiny sharp rocks, in the cold, wearing bikins, not even lying on towels. It looked so painful we tried very hard not to laugh at them. 

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