Purposeful Rumination

I used to tbink I procrastinated, avoided, delayed. Worked best under pressure, all thst nonsense.
Often when I'm ostensibly not doing what I ought things are clearly happening. A lot of pointless zooms*, visits to computerland, wandering round the woods, back to the pc, a long slow smouldering fire to burn the moss and ground elder, some snooze, pc, play with Missy.
Finished the day with assignment written, just needs proofing and formatting.

* I struggled with a group meeting today, where someone clearly in need of help was potentially encouraged to put others at risk. I wrote a big long moan but this isn't the place for it. I'm sure I'll distract myself for a while and find the right way to raise it with the people who should be dealing with it, but it was worrying to see. 

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