Southern Marsh

Better  weather again today with plenty of sun and thankfully no rain. 
As I said yesterday this evening I was meeting up with my birdwatching mates to go searching for Nightjars.
Before heading in search for them we went on a detour to Messingham nature reserve to see what was a round. A few cettis warblers calling  and 1 seen briefly but no photo opportunities . While there we did see some lovely Southern Marsh orchids so at least I had a blip.
It was then onto search for the Nightjars a bird that comes out late in the evening. After spending time waiting for it to get darker and getting bittern by mosquitos we was finally rewarded with seeing 3 birds (2 females & 1 male ) flying around and calling but again to dark to get any photos sadly .
Back home now and chilling for 1/2 hour before bed.

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