‘Red’ is today’s wide Wednesday theme. Thanks to our host, steveng.
Busy day, it’s hot (100°/38°) and I’m exhausted.
Will describe today in reverse order with some excellent news. The blood clot is completely gone. I can go off the blood thinners when my foot stuff is resolved.
Speaking of foot stuff…MRI in the morning. Doc’s leaning towards a hairline fracture which rarely show up on x-rays. Problem: her last day is next Wednesday. We want the results by then, before I shuffle off to a new podiatrist. But it could take 5 business days.
In other news…before the medical running around, I met up with a few church friends for breakfast. The food was good but the service was lousy. My standards might be too high. :-)
You know you’re getting old when your family doctor refers you to an archeologist.
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