Northern Exposure

By Northern

23.43 Scapa Flow

A few of us from the Tai Chi group headed up to the Standing Stones of Stenness at sunset on the longest day to do some Tai Chi

There was a band of low cloud along the horizon so we thought it was going to be a bit of a non event but the sun reappeared below the clouds just before it set so we were treated to some scarlet and orange whilst we did our form.

Was a fun evening. Not sure what the random selection of photographers, tourists and meditation folk thought but no one seemed surprised. We did wait until most folk had gone before bringing out the swords so hopefully no one was freaked out by that. It was definitely a great place to practice with the weapons.

Of course it’s hard to take photos whilst focusing on tai chi so instead I stopped on the way home and took this pic over Scapa Flow. This is almost an hour and a half after the sun officially sets but on a clear night like tonight it really doesn’t get properly dark at mid summer.

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