Out To Lunch In Between Spiritual Wellbeing

Following our recent visit to St Vigeans Pictish Stone Museum we visited the Meigle branch. An excellent display as shown in the first extra.

The guide, Lorna, is very knowledgeable and enthusiastic about these mysterious carvings.

We lunched at a restaurant in Meigle called Flour. My lunch is today’s entry.  Flour sell a wide range of different flours and are extremely about allergies to food.

I enjoyed my lunch and Pat enjoyed her gluten free Pizza. 

In the evening we attended a concert in Holy Trinity Church in St Andrews. The concert featured three children’s choirs from Madison, Wisconsin and they performed a very wide range of music and singing over six hundred years.

They were excellent and spiritually uplifting. We felt astonishingly alive and happy after the performance.

Pat’s American accent was quickly noticed and many of the parents accompanying the choir asked for tourist information about their next performance in Stirling’s Holy Rood Church.

Holy Trinity Church is shown in the second extra. The building is 600 years old. The Pulpit on the right hand side is made of Alabaster and literally glows.

The last time Pat and I were in Holy T we sung in a choir giving a public performance. 

The name of the choir was Heisenberg’s Uncertainty. It only formed occasionally and the membership were uncertain and might only perform once.

We certainly enjoyed performing, but once was enough for us.

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