Pretty peas
My container peas seem to be doing well.
The same can't be said for other areas of the garden - lots of flowers coming up but all a bit higglity-pigglity as I did pay due attention to heights and spread. I'm also not sure what are weeds and what are not - it will be a learning experience if nothing else !
That having being said my container beetroots and turnips* seem to have survived thinning and the shrubs I planted are doing well. So whilst not everything in garden is coming up rosy a fair few things are.
I also spent an enjoyable hour or so pottering in potting shed sowing some herbs and doing a bit of tidying.
Today has been warmer and in addition to pottering I had my u3a Gaelic group this morning and did some further study this afternoon as well as my physio exercises.
* described as snowball turnips on packet which means (north of the border) they are really swedes (as opposed to neeps).
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