In Thanks

My last day at work was yesterday, but the sun was out, so I went hunting and promised to shoot my goodbye bouquet today.  As luck would have it, I also have the perfect excuse for an indoor shot -- it's raining!  The weather prediction nailed it perfectly.

The bouquet is larger than just this, of course, but this purple grouping is right in the middle and is the most attractive part, I think.

Two online appointments with employment agencies and a brief WhatsApp call with the Viking.  Brief but loaded.  It looks like he's now preparing yet another huge move.  At least, I find it huge, and the purpose of the call was to clarify why we need to make this move.  For him, it's also not simply one of 'those things' solicitors do.  We wouldn't be doing this if we didn't have a good reason to do it.  I should not let the familiar anxiety and fear get in the way.  He is fighting for me.

The rest of the day saw the usuals.  A short nap.  Gaming.  Kitchen duties.  Updated the bookkeeping, too, and all good there.  Now time for tea, and then the humongous task of clearing my study can start.  I do this every few months or so, but a lot of things pile up between the clearings, and now that I've done the other upstairs rooms, I can focus on this last room.  Motivations -- my work contract has come to an end, so I have more time, there's a holiday starting midweek next week, so it would be good to get it done before we leave, and then come home to a neat room, and, finally, there's a hearing just before said holiday starts, and clearing the room will undoubtedly clear my head as well.

Thankful for chores done even while there is some way to go yet.

In between, I find myself still wondering if the decision to file the case at all was a good one.  For years, I turned the other cheek.  This case feels like I slapped a couple of people in the face.  Maybe it's just that I'm not used to doing that.  If one has a thorn in one's side, and it has been causing an infection, doesn't one do what one can to take it out?  I watched a short Instagram reel today showing a comic who joked about people who easily feel offended, even only by the slightest thing.  Am I just feeling offended and wanting to step on a couple of toes?  Or maybe I'm just envious because 'they' have something that should have been mine?  Oh, but it's been easy to forget that part of that does happen to be mine.  I've been too distracted to stake my claim on it.  How thankful will I be when this is over?  Tremendously, but I want to be thankful for the right things and for the right reasons.  The case is to take back what is mine, is all.

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