
By Veronica


Yes, still struggling for blip subjects! Settled in for the evening with a book (recommended by freespiral) and a glass of wine. It's been another hot and steamy day.

I went to the funeral of another choir member today, the second in nine months. It was at the crematorium in Trèbes ... there was a very large turnout, standing room only in the small room. The last time I was there was for R's funeral in November, when we memorably sang along to Always Look on the Bright Side of Life. This was a much more sober and religious affair, featuring recordings of the gospel choir that J sang with.

And this evening we had a video chat with a potential catsitter for later in the summer -- me here, S in the UK, and M in Barcelona. She seems very nice, and S was delighted to be able to communicate in Catalan :)

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