Looking for clouds

I am in dire need of some clouds and the temperature needs to drop 10 degrees for my liking!
Went to the gym this morning. Did a warm-up of over 20 minutes on what I call the sit-down cross trainer and discovered that my new fitbit doesn't register any of it as steps. Bit disappointing! I thought that the other day - I'd been to the gym (first day back after months) and thought how come I've not done many steps when my legs were going for it on that same machine! The old fitbit seemed to count steps on those pedals. Anyway, I've had some good exercise but nothing to show on the steps for it.
I have little heart to do anything much when it's so hot. I noticed at one point this afternoon it was 27.1C in the shade in our back garden and it felt like it was hotter than that a bit later.
Did some washing at a daft time of day (well it would be daft normally) and pegged it out late afternoon - dried fast.
Terry got a phone call to go for his gastroscopy tomorrow at 2pm. No dates for the other tests yet. It's worrying when he can only eat small amounts. 

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