
By SC26

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Despite it being a lovely sunny day outside, the flat seemed to stay cold all day, which was a bit of a drag. When you work from home, it's really hard to stay focused when it's so tempting to go out in to the sunshine. Anyway, loads to do and after thinking it was Friday all day yesterday, I'm glad it's finally here. I went for a 5k after work... I don't know what's going on with my running at the moment. It should have been a smooth transition from my 10K plan to this Half Marathon one. But for some reason, since the 10K race, I've felt like I've been running through mud. It was a slog tonight, and it was only 5K! I was about 5mins off my pace. Very annoying, but I'll keep plugging away and hope something improves soon! G and I haven't seen each other much lately as I've been quite busy, so we went for a really nice wander along the river after tea, stopping for a Doombar and dangled our feet for a while.

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