Tech Marketing Guy

By tmg

Science Experiment

The little TMGs always get excited about the most interesting things. Recently, they stumbled upon a caterpillar on the driveaway and become obsessed. Mrs TMG had the brilliant idea of capturing one, feeding it and watching it develop into a butterfly. We were all excited about the idea, and our beloved caterpillar has cocooned himself and we are waiting for the transformation. I am highly curious about what he/she transforms into. Will it be a butterfly, a moth, some other unknown insect? I have no idea.

Since starting our caterpillar experiment, the little TMGs caterpillar radar is operating on maximum power. They look for them everywhere. They saw this really large caterpillar climbing our garage. and I thought that it would make a good blip.

I like the psychedelic color scheme and interesting textures of this caterpillar. Who knew that they were so interesting to look at? Thanks to the little TMGs for drawing me into their obsession!

About the shot:
Tripod mounted camera
100mm macro lens
31mm extension tube
Used Live View for focus and composition
Self timer to take shot

Soft Light layer trick for contrast and color (Thanks DrCraig!)
Saturation adjustment layer

Constructive criticism always welcome

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