Coughton Court
Suddenly, the summer. A trip to the Coughton Court near Studley, where they are incredibly proud with their connection with the November 5th Bomb Plotters (terrorists from 1605). Coughton Court was one of the bases used by the plotters. Above the door to the main hall, the legend: Nisi Dominus custodierit civitatem frustra vigilat qui custodit eam. Otherwise translated: If the Lord did not protect the city.those who are in charge of it would vainly be on guard.
What would have happened had Guy Fawkes not been discovered laying the charge to detonate 36 barrels of gunpowder under the House of Lords? It would have been our 5/11 and would have sent shockwaves through Europe.
However, the following two centuries of atrocities and discrimination against Catholics was a shameful result.
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