Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Feeling Antsy

Had to wait around the house most of the day for our alarm company to come out and reset/replace some equipment. Which I suppose was okay since it was freaking HOT again today and I might have melted had I spent the day outside. As it was, there were many trips in and out without much to show for it.

I thought I'd try some macro shots of the rhododendrons while they are still blooming and was happy that this ant came along to save the day. I am not wild about ants, but they are fun irritating challenging to photograph. So, there you have it ... and ant, species unknown. Medium sized and reddish, I'd say.

The chickadee parents are still feeding the young 'uns in the nest box, but I am sure that they will urge them to fledge in the next few days - hopefully while I am standing by with a camera! Things in the House Wren world continue to be confusing ... one of the boxes has a finished nest and is being brooded (one can assume there are eggs!) But, one of the wrens is continuing to work feverishly on yet another next in Box # 3. A second male? Or just an over-achiever? Time will tell.

I did a bit of pfaffing with flowers/DOF and kind of liked this one. Not quite enough to blip it though.

Garlic scape pesto again for dinner tonight - this time I added a handful of watercress too, and used both pignoli and pistachio nuts. I can't wait to have a big bowl of pasta and pesto tonight!

We are off to the Audubon Center in Central NJ tomorrow morning - they are having their annual native plant sale and we are looking to get some plantings for our recently reclaimed hillside ... before the invasive weeds reclaim it! Our success there will dictate the rest of the day, but I'm hopeful that we'll be doing a lot of planting.

Sorry that I've not been able to keep up with comments very well lately - hoping to get caught up soon...


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