Clematis vitalba

It’s grows everywhere here and grows as far east as Afghanistan. Particularly nasty as it climbs fences and then overwhelms them. Banned in New Zealand.

I’ve always known it as ‘Old Man’s Beard’ in its autumn finery. The flowers are quite pretty. Common names in Italy are “viticchio” and ‘vitabbia’.

On reading about it I find it is toxic and gives rashes: I wonder if that is one of the things that has messed up my forearms. But also - as in boiled roots- was possibly used to suppress itches. Apparently is an ingredient of Bach Flower Rescue Remedy. Edward Bach classed it as a good plant/flower for reconnecting people with the world.

Sources say very young shoots can be eaten cooked but I’m not trying it. The vines harden up and can sort of splinter and slice into unwary fingers.

Apparently was used by beggars to bring on a rash and ulcers - in Italy has a name of ‘Erba dei Pezzenti’ or ‘Erba dei cenciosi’. Maybe I should have bared my arms at the Co-op to try for a ‘pezzenti’ discount.

I was out battling it today. Cutting and stripping from the doddery perimeter fence. Loves to grow in combination with ivy and brambles. It certainly helped me to reconnect to a world of rampant careless growth.

I stopped just before temp maxed at 30.2 at 14.00. A short heavy shower passed through later.

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