A inland road

Heading home from Sunnet after our nights out in the camper we drove on this gravel road for about 30 kms, through lots of forest and past very few houses. There was not a lot of traffic and even though it's a gravel road we could keep up a reasonable speed of about 80 km/h.  Once you get off the main roads this is what much of the road network in this part of the world looks like.
Here we are still near the coast and these roads tend to be short-cuts between the main roads. Further north and further inland this is what the world looks like on most roads.  If you want empty roads, easy driving, beautiful scenery and are happy to travel a little slower this is a great place to visit. However, there aren't too many other people and petrol stations can be a little spread out, so it's best to travel with a full fuel tank, and something to eat and drink in the car. But if anything goes wrong someone will come along eventually and they will be friendly and helpful, and despite the lack of people there's pretty good mobile phone coverage.
So that's a little tourist information...
The two extras are taken at Sunnet, where yesterday's kayak picture was taken and where we stayed the night. The first is the  flower meadow which is looking gorgeous just now. This isn't a nature reserve, it's "just" a field that hasn't been dosed with herbicides. Soon it will be cut for hay, or more likely silage. Lots of grass, not too many animals, so no need for intensive agriculture.
In the second extra it's been raining and the day so far has been grey. But the clouds are just starting to clear and soon the day will be lovely.
This is a backblip so click forward for today's Midsummer picture.

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