
Good sleep in the lovely dark bedroom with comfy bed at VickyG’s house, then we sorted the last minute things out over breakfast and went in to town. The meeting went pretty well….we got through on time despite some curve balls early on, and got all the decisions made that we needed to, and I only forgot one thing, so overall good I think!
Grabbed a couple of sandwiches then jumped in the car and drove north west to get to the second part of the away day from yesterday’s board. We’d hoped the fabulous location would give us a chance to have drinks on the deck and sun would be bathing the place in light…unfortunately it was a wet and cloudy day. The only moment we got outside was when someone spotted a nuclear sub and its companion boats heading down Loch Long out to sea.
Lots of good chat and a sense of progress despite funding concerns, and we all got a goody bag to take home with a cocktail in a can for our Friday nights!
Gave M a lift home and we chatted most of the way about his young kids and festival activities.
Made a quick frittata for supper then slumped a bit….long day!

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