Hello Lovely Blippers,

This has been a sad week for us.  We have been thinking of dear Admirer, who started all this malarkey but who died suddenly on 21 June in 2020 and then we heard that one of our favourite Blip friends, Mr. T, had died a couple of days ago.

We often used to go down to see Mr. & Mrs. T and when we were there we always had a photoshoot with him, Mrs. T and their gang - called GWNN, which means Gang with No Name - how silly is that not to give them a name?  

They all sit on top of Mrs. T’s wardrobe so when we visited we always went upstairs, enjoying a go on the stairlift, and then Mrs. HCB and Mrs. T would have a chat upstairs while we all played together,  leaving Mr. HCB downstairs chatting with Mr. T.  There was always a lot of laughter coming from downstairs, so we often thought we were missing something!  

We shall miss Mr. T’s smiling face;  he was always a good sport whenever we went, although he wasn’t so keen on Mrs. HCB because she pinched his chocolates - how rude is that?  

Anyway, we have remembered both Admirer and Mr. T today whilst out playing in the HCBs’ garden.  We thought it would be good to climb up onto the Paul’s Scarlet rose because everyone loves roses and these are specially for Mrs. T.   We did find them rather prickly though, and had to watch where we climbed and sat.  I wonder if you can spot Hoggy - being red too, it was hard to spot him because he was clever and climbed very high.

We have some advice for all of you - if you have family and friends, especially if you don’t see them very often, let them know you love them because you never know when they will be gone and then it will be too late.  

So RIP Admirer and Mr. T - who knows, they may even be having a Silly Saturday party together in heaven.  

Love to you all from
The Silly Saturday Gang xxx 

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