Arra river

We've been handling some stuff in and around the house. I've done some gardening and weeding.

Ate the first strawberries! Tomatoes coming along nicely. I can see 3 corncobs forming. Homegrown lettuce leafs, basil and spinach every day ready to be picked up.

I planted some more flower seeds today and replanted a "mother-in-law's tongue" ie. Sansevieria trifasciata that I got from my mum yesterday. It's quite big, so I needed to go out and buy a much bigger pot for it. Hope it settles nicely. It's quite handsome plant. Btw, gotta love the Finnish name for it as the mother-in-law's tongue can be quite sharp.

Then we went cycling and did 24km. There were quite a bit of climbing hills, which are not my favorites, but it went better than last time as it wasn't so hot.

It seems in the forecast that we will have a rainy day tomorrow. Finally.

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