Windmill 'De Volharding', Best

'Volharding' = pronounce as you read = means 'persistence' or 'tenacity'.
'Best' is really the name of the town.  Here's a short history from Wiki -- "Archaeological excavations around the village suggest settlement in the area dating back to the Roman era. The Armenhoef is a monumental farm on the Oirschotseweg 117 in Best. This stable is the oldest still in use within Western Europe. Historical building research in 2009 showed that the wooden frame of the stable dates back to 1263. The residential part of the farm itself was built in recent times, in 1640 at the earliest, but probably around 1680. The farm is an official monument. The first written text about Best dates back to 1421."   The oldest stable in Western Europe!  I learned something new again today!

To be clear, the windmill was built in 1851 and is not standing next to the stable.

Tenacity might best describe how I ended up posting this.  I had gone earlier in the day, when temperatures were at their hottest, but had forgotten my camera, so made do with my mobile, and the shots were good but discovered during post-processing that they were small, cam settings notwithstanding.  In the evening, volunteerd to drive AW to Saturday night live bridge at Sweed's and Benna's, and while he was there, with the camera this time, I drove back to Best.  By that time, it was cooler and more quiet, as the customers at the lunchroom owned by the miller had all gone and I had the whole perimeter for myself.  I had to go for it again as the mill was facing in the right direction for a shot, which might not be the case the next time.  Strike while hot, right?

Back home again to finish more chores, kitchen duties were already done even before we left.  Picked up AW at 23.00 as agreed, and had a nice time catching up with Benna.  There won't be any bridge next week while we're away.  By the time we went to bed, I was tired enough and was out in two bits, which was the point, as I'd been sleeping badly due to, uh, something I'm already tired of, as you well know.  Thankful for a full day and a good night's rest.

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