Our Jack. He's such a special pony. 

Long day and lots of driving for a 3 minute dressage test for Area Riding club qualifiers. Eva got the same score as the girl in second place which apparently means they look at a particular section of the test and see who scored highest in that so sadly she ended up in 3rd place (qualifiers up to 2nd place). However does mean we don't have to trek even further afield for a regional comp!! It was very very hot!! Luckily they didn't have to ride in their jackets. 

Jack was an angel. I was up at 5.30 and down the yard by 7 to bath and plait (they stayed in!) We let Eva sleep in and Mike brought her to the yard. After all that he stood on the lorry for 1 &1/2 hrs each way, and stood around while we got him ready and then when we went to get a bacon sarnies. Such a superstar.

I had a lesson when I got back to the yard as Ruth was over. Was too hot though. Will sleep well tonight l! 

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