Derelict Sunday

This is the site where a local pub was demolished a few years ago now. Several weeks ago some temproary fencing was erected across part of the site and a bit of work started - but recently I've not seen anything going on so I'm not sure what is planned. And I'm not sure why a derelict child's scooter is now lying amongst the rubble. Nevertheless I thought it was worth blipping for Marlieske's Derelict Sunday challenge.

I had an interesting time this afternoon. As part of our camera club summer school we are being given "homework" to do! (That's getting a bit serious, isn't it?) We were asked to go out somewhere "you might normally take your camera, but don't take it - take a notepad and pencil instead. Observe things that capture your attention/imagination - and write down what about it drew your attention (features, shapes, relationships, contrasts). Note what ideas develop in your mind as a result (if any!), and ponder how you would convey those features, thoughts, ideas, etc in a photo or photos". So my Editor and I had a walk at the local Rising Sun Country Park (one of our favourite haunts) - but of course I've nothing to blip today from that walk as I wasn't allowed a camera! I do have some ideas though so I might end up blipping the result of my ponderings in due course.

I think we'll be discussing our notes and thoughts in groups at Tuesday's meeting.

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