If Olympus Imaging survives its present difficulties I suspect it won't be due to the quality of its financial management ... but it may very well be due to the quality of its engineering. Mirrorless system cameras have not been around all that long but a great many informed persons think that this new thing of mine is the best such device to enter the market thus far. They are selling to photography pros (as personal cameras) like hot cakes.

15ok shutter rating, weatherproof lens and body construction, full magnesium alloy body, ultra-bright OLED screen, 9 fps continuous shooting, lightning fast focusing and high ISO picture quality to match any APS-C DSLR (certainly better than my two) are only the start. The headline feature for me is its small size and weight. I used and wore this thing all day in Sydney without any discomfort at all - something of a minor miracle for me, except when using the diminutive G12.

There is perhaps one more thing. It is beautiful - at least I think so. Many years ago I bought and used an Olympus OM series film SLR. It served me well for many years. I still have it and if I had any film, I have no doubt it'd still work perfectly. This new machine is very reminiscent of those classic old OM units. Almost makes me feel young again.

I was half asleep when I set up this shot and the whole thing was a bit rushed. Nonetheless, the image still conveys something of the sense of it all. The "go to" camera that you want to reach for.

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