Striking camp...
Well that is what we say when dismantling a scout or guide camp. So that is how it feels today. But not until we had done another full day entertaining the public with all the usual activities.
I woke a bit later again - I am pretty sure as a result of taking an antihistamine tablet. We are definitely all feeling tired today. It seemed like there were less people, and as the rain started slowly, and then increased in it's strength we had less wanting to canoe. But when you have paid £37 for a ticket the rain doesn't stop you seeing everything, and we still had lots of keen families flint knapping with Jamie, our resident archaeologist.
I went off for a wander and got thoroughly soaked. There were very few breaks in the rain, unfortunately and our tents were wet again by the time came to pack away. So at 6pm we started the process of dismantling and packing everything back up. An exhausting job after 5 full days of the show, but great to have the assistance of our two young helpers Ollie and Callum. Especiallywhen it came to lifting the canoes on to our car and trailer. I couldn't do that! Waved goodbye to the showground and hope we get invited back next year.
Eventually we got back to Daves by 9 ish. Karen had kindly made a curry for us all. We ate and chatted over the high points of the weekend, and what we could do better. With the caravan hooked up, we headed off down the A1 at 10.45pm...which is where we are now. Hoping to find a suitable lay-by for the night, in the next hour.
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