Daniel Prays For His People

It is nearing the end of June here in Central Texas and outside the weather is HOT and headed for hotter.  But inside the walls of FBC, the a/c was working as we gathered to join our hearts and voices in congregational praise.  After the welcome by Pastor Wes, the choir , orchestra and all our talented accompanists presented the timely anthem, "We Will Remember".  The congregation joined in praise and worship with a few more songs before  Pastor Wes took us into Chapter 9 of Daniel.  In previous chapters of Daniel, we've seen God's work in his life, God's protection of his faithful servant from those who sought to harm him and how Daniel  used his God-given gift of interpretation of dreams along the way.  Now, he is 80 and as is his custom, he is reading in Jeremiah and realizes that the fulfillment of some prophecies of Jeremiah are imminent, but rather than sitting back and idly waiting for them to be fulfilled, he begins to pray .  He begins with adoration of God, acknowledging that God is sovereign and in control of all that is happening around him.  He continues the prayer with confession that the nation is still in sin and in need of full repentance and returning to God.  Then Daniel moves into petitioning God on behalf of his people.  Pastor Wes had much more to say about all these things which you can see and hear in the Live-stream  and there is much more to come because we only made it about halfway through this chapter.  I am already looking forward to next week's sermon and the rest of the story.  We would love to have you join us at FBC!

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