Pond Life

I had some boxes and bags to drop off at the charity shop in town this morning, so I decided to go the the Country Park afterwards. Hardly any butterflies to be seen, but plenty of damsels and dragons at the large pond. The dragons were very busy chasing each other away, the damsels had better things to do. I also had a good catch up with my sister A, watched some of the tennis at Eastbourne and did a bit of sorting. Another warm and sunny day at 24C. I thought I'd not sleep well last night it was so hot, but I'd bought a bamboo fibre 'blanket' which is supposed to keep to you slightly cooler, and it worked!

I could have been involved in a nasty accident in town. I was waiting to pull out past parked cars until the oncoming traffic had got through a narrow bit, then when I went to move a flash of white overtook me - a cyclist with a death wish - overtaking someone who's about to overtake! Then coming back a huge lorry had parked for a delivery as you turned into town, meaning only 2 cars could turn in behind it before backing up on the main road. An oncoming car in town stopped at one point to let me through, and an idiot behind it decided to overtake it, followed by another idiot! It was a log jam for several mins. 

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