On the Edge

Once again today I was a little late up. I don't know why as I did not go to bed particularly late. I did Pilates as a change from yoga today. It was quite enjoyable, I may do it again tomorrow. 

This afternoon I visited my Dad. He is OK and seems to be improving but he is still very tired. He's on antibiotics now for the infection in his hand. He is saying he wants to send his car back so I started making arrangements about that. I don't think he really wants to, but feels like he should. At some point I think he will change his mind, but it would be best for him not to drive any more with the health issues he has. I suppose when you have had at least a motorbike from the age of 17 it is hard to not have your own independent means to travel.

Coming home from the hospital I walked through the Arboretum. On the way I spotted this little toy van on one of the little walls. I balanced it on the edge to make it look like it was parked overlooking a cliff to photograph it! Hopefully its owner will return and find it.

Once home Bri and I had a run over to Metheringham to collect something else my Dad wants from his bungalow. Brian didn't mind as it gave him opportunity to take his monthly tree photo. We did not have time to do a big shop after all that but we did call in to Tesco to get a couple of things to tide us over until tomorrow night.

I am happy to see that Wigan Warriors have signed three good new players for next year. Hopefully there will be at least one more!

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