Uketok playalong app

Firstly, thank you to all of you who wished me a happy LXIX birthday yesterday. I particularly enjoyed the “youngster” or “whippersnapper” comments.

Today, in the absence of anything interesting I present you with a photo of the Uketok playalong app. For those of you interested, particularly ukulele players, I’ll explain further…

The app is essentially a karaoke machine showing each song, chords and words, the key and tempo. I play along with, in this case 42 others around the world.

We are connected to each other through audio software called Jamulus and can hear each other sing and play through headphones. There is no video. In addition to Ukes any other instrument can join in, we often have a sax for example and there is always a drum track too.

Songs can be played offline and there are tutorials run by members. Songs can be rated for enjoyment and difficulty.

There are plenty of videos on YouTube to be going on with. Sessions can also be joined through a live stream on YouTube (Mondays and Thursdays 7.30 to 9.00pm UK time). This summer Uketok will be jamming at various ukulele festivals around the country.

It’s all great fun.

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