Reid Memorial Church

This afternoon we attended what we expected to be a concert by the U3A singers but turned out to be the second ever performance of Oliver's Journey Home. Described as 'a cantata with words and music by Nick Morrice and David Dawson it told the story of a young man who had talent to play the violin but suffered from stage fright. On his way home from college he falls off his bicycle and was taken in by a pub and was introduced to a variety of musical styles and encouraged to play with them, becoming more confident.

The vocal performance was enhanced by accompaniment of flute, accordion/synthesiser and violin, the last two by professional players. It was moving, foot-tapping and most enjoyable.

It took place in the hall of the Reid Memorial Church, (where I used to attend the baby clinic with Miss Flum all those years ago) but couldn't take photos until leaving. This is a frieze on the church wall as viewed from the garden.

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