
By tookie

Fern Faffing

I was going to do a mono, but I couldn’t help myself….

Busy day trying to sort out some banking issues that involved frustrating phone calls an online signings and more pulling out my hair … cheaper than a hair cut . We finally got a walk in , but my energy was reduced by that time . Part of the exhaustion was the frustrations of the morning , but a lot is from worry for my friend in Seattle who is recovering from a serious neck surgery
My friend hasn’t regained much use of her hands , arms or legs so it’s very upsetting and worrisome. Her mental confusion / dementia is also very upsetting. We are returning at the end of the week as R has a medical apt up there and we want to see our friend who is now in a nursing home. Most of them are understaffed and I know she needs more PT than she’ll get there. It’s all takes a toll on one regardless of how it’s spinned .
On a more positive note it does seem that Putin and gang may be finally being stopped. I certainly hope so .
Check out my blue magical fairy lights in our back yard. I let M choose where they went when she was over Sat

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