3103. Pink Daisies….
I don’t know what these are called as I’m no gardener but I spotted them on my morning walk and decided to use them as my Blip today.
My issue hasn’t been resolved and probably won’t be and although it’s frustrating I’ve done all I can about it so now I have to move on. Human nature is such that we expect other people to behave as we do and sometimes they just don’t and decide to go down a cruel and spiteful route. I will never understand this but then I think of myself as a balanced human being so this type of behaviour is totally alien to me, I cannot imagine being so twisted and spiteful that I would do something like this to another person. That’s it now……nothing left to say about it…..
The saga of my youngest’s Citizen ID card continued yesterday after they rejected his referee, stating that they weren’t in an accepted profession…so social workers aren’t a real profession? So now he has asked his boss to be his referee, I await their reaction to Pharmacy…perhaps that isn’t an accepted profession too! My guess is that they want to push people towards asking a GP or solicitor, both of which will cost unless you happen to know one personally. I don’t think we should be forcing people to pay for photo ID at all and if they don’t have it they can’t vote, this really is an appalling state and I urge anyone who doesn’t have photo ID to get it sorted one way or another or risk being turned away at the ballot box. I know that my late Mom would never have been able to go through this process as her passport expired when she got older and since she wasn’t travelling abroad she never got it renewed.
I did my Yoga and Dance classes on Apple Fitness + this morning for half an hour and it felt great…exercise makes such a difference to how I feel about things and it’s such a great way to start the day. Just completed one walk (in the rain) and may go out this afternoon if I can be bothered to keep my steps up…..I’m such a gym bunny :)
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