The Declaration of Arbroath

We’ve had a lovely date day. We got cheap £20 return tickets to Edinburgh so that we could see the Declaration of Arbroath as we might not be around in 50 year’ time or whenever it gets its next 4 weeks out. It is over 700 years old, and is a letter from the barons and the people of Scotland to the Pope in an effort to persuade him to reconsider his approach to the long-running Anglo-Scottish conflict. Despite Robert the Bruce defeating Edward II at Bannockburn in 1314, the English and the Pope refused to recognise Scottish Independence. It is written in Latin on sheepskin, with 19 seals still attached. It is carefully worded, warning the pope that if he continued to take the English side, he’d be responsible to “a higher authority” for the deaths of people on both sides. Its language is stirring “for as long as a hundred of us remain alive, never will we on any conditions be subjected to the lordship of the English. It is in truth not for glory, nor riches, nor honours that we are fighting, but for freedom alone.”

We also went to the Fruitmarket to see the work of Leonor Antunes, known for sculptural installations worked closely with the architecture of the building. I really enjoyed it, Mr C not so much.

We had a delicious vegetarian lunch at David Bann then MrC went back to the museum while I went to the Dovecote Studio to see The Power of Pattern, highlighting quilts inspired by Fassett. The work was stunning with a gorgeous use of colour. If you are a quilter, or love colour, Google the exhibition. I only knew his work from tapestry cushions and knitting patterns from the 80s and 90s.

By then the rain was quite persistent so I popped in to the Scottish Library before heading down to the Dome to meet Mr C for a coffee - only £3 and then a cocktail called Sunrise on Leith, made with Tapito Blanco, Quiquiquiriqui, lime, bergamot and mandarin soda, and pomegranate caviar. It was something I’d not be able to make at home is my excuse. It consisted mainly of ice.

It’s been a great day. We walked 6 miles. Just as well I had my brolly.

(Yesterday Nathaniel did his first day of filming - he was “working” 10 hours and was very tired when he got home. It was fun but the veggie food was too spicy. Another long day for him tomorrow. )

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