Mustela erminea

or Mustela nivalis. During the summer they look very similar. With winter coat they are easier to separate. Any opinion which it is?

I was having a coffee outside, reading a magazine when I heard a sudden thumbing noise and thought something fell in the greenhouse. Then I saw two brown and fast things running around.

My first thought was that two squirrel babies have fallen from the nest and are frantically running around.

Then I saw the mouse run for its life past my chair (upper left).

And them I saw this ermine or weasel running around looking for its pray. It was searching for a long time and I managed to catch some videos. Not the greatest quality of these pictures, but such amazing event to witness that I had to blip it. (The boardwalks are from the greenhouse.)

It's been dry thundering for nearly two hours now. I'm sure it's raining near us, but not here. Yet. Still hope for it.

Remember the papers I was searching for? So I wrote the authorities and got a reply. As this is a property and not a share of property, there ain't that kind of papers that I was looking for. I've always just owned a share of property and this is a first individual house that I own, so... I don't know if it's been a vivid dream or what, but I have a memory of seeing the papers I was looking for. Only they do not exist. Good to know. I feel like such a dummy.... :-)

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