Pause for Thought

Having had a bit of a rough couple of weeks, I am grateful that today I am starting to feel much more like my old self. I’ve delivered my youngest granddaughter’s little sundress and cardigan to my daughter-in-law, together with four invitations that I designed for her birthday party, to be handed out to her friends tomorrow at nursery. I’ve also caught up on lots of jobs that I got behind on while I was below par. 

I hadn’t taken any photos today though, and was wondering what I might use for today’s blip when our daily church email prayer bulletin arrived. I was devastated to read the first item, which was from the Vicar of one of the churches in our minster group: 

"My daughter is currently in Ukraine working on short term relief to families and children, and longer term relocation of refugees. Last night she and some of her team were having supper in the restaurant in Kramatorsk when it was hit by missiles. She sustained a head wound that has been stitched up… she says ‘just a few stitches, a killer headache, and possibly the worst impromptu haircut of my life’… "

So then I knew what photo to take for tonight’s blip. This precious little ornament made out of copper was given to us many years ago by some friends of ours, a couple who went out from our church to be missionaries in Arequipa, Peru. I’m posting it as a tribute to all those who leave family and friends to share their faith in loving and practical ways with others all round the world.

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