
O slept really well, waking around 8am and it wasn’t too long before we were in the garden playing.  After a while he sat in his little chair and said numnums, his way of saying I’d like some food please :-D. I took this photo as I went inside to get him some breakfast and sent it to his mummy and daddy to say he has requested his breakfast.  Two bowls of shreddies and some raspberries and banana were enjoyed alfresco.

He did really well in Bex’s class this week joining in with everything.  The other mums love watching him as he’s quite young to the other little girls in the class and they missed him last week.

On the way home I dropped the car off at the garage for a service tomorrow and Mr C met me to bring me home.  

A dire score in pub quiz tonight but we did win £50 in the bingo.  No more quiz for a few weeks as they don’t host during Wimbledon fortnight and then we’ll be away.

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