
I was just in bed reading the paper and drinking tea this morning when my doorbell went and it was T, who’d driven up after finishing work at 2am for a couple of days. Of course he then went pretty much straight to bed so I got on with some ironing, emails and cleaning until he woke and we had some lunch then we went down into town on the hunt for new trainers that he was looking for. We wandered around but didn’t find any, then out to the fort but no luck there either! Met A when she was leaving work to collect my coat that I’d left at her place, then down to town for dinner at Baba. Having been a bit drizzly earlier on, the day gradually brightened up and by the time we were having dinner the sun was lighting up Charlotte Sq beautifully and slanting through the trees.
Tasty dinner, then home to catch up on the Repair Shop before he was ready for bed again….nice to see him as I hadn’t had anything else planned for today

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