We had quite an emotional day today, one way and another - some parts for telling and some not.  

We had arranged to go and visit Mrs. T at her home but then we were due to go out to lunch - and had decided that we would treat her, rather than buy her flowers.  Many of you who follow Amanda_T will know that her husband, David, died a week ago, and although we will be going to the Service of Celebration for David’s life in a couple of weeks, wanted to see her before then as we have become very good friends.

It took us quite a while to get there, because there were lots of roadworks and tractors on the roads, which made it slow going - we could have gone on the motorway, but always prefer the “pretty scenic route” - not so pretty when you are behind things like you can see in the extra, which if I'm honest was a little pongy!  

We eventually got there and were greeted by Amanda and Beau, and for those who know her, you will know she has this new friend who is obviously very much her best friend at the moment!  Beau was very friendly and kept jumping up into the car before I got out.  Eventually we went off to The Ship, which is quite near to where they live and after waiting a while, we had a delicious lunch - by the look of Mr. HCB’s face you would think he had never had any food for a week!   Amanda had a humungous burger and I was surprised she was able to get it all in her mouth!!  ;-)   I had cod and chips, the same as Mr. HCB and it was delicious and very well cooked. 

Following our meal, we went back to Amanda’s where we toasted Mr. T with a cup of delicious coffee and some Lindt chocolates, his favourites and you may remember I used to “snaffle” them from him - we had a lovely time reminiscing about our previous visits and I hope that it brought back lovely memories for Amanda - we certainly enjoyed sharing stories with her.  

Amanda then asked me to put my hand down by the side of the sofa and pick up Kevin the Koala, which I did - she said it was David’s and she would like me to have it and asked if I thought that Kevin could join the Silly Saturday Gang?  Of course, I said I was sure they would be delighted, so another one to add!

And then - Amanda went out of the room and came back with a wonderful Tilley Hat festooned with badges from some of the places she and Mr. T had gone to.  She gave it to Mr. HCB and said she was sure that Mr. T would be pleased to know he had it and was using it, rather than sticking it in a box!  It brought a tear to Mr. HCB’s eye, I can tell you.  I’m sure this will be blipped at sometime in the future.

I saw Amanda’s Temperature Blanket on the back of the sofa, so she decided to model it - and again, if you follow or saw any of Mr. T’s Blips, you will know he often did that - but Amanda was telling us how difficult it was for her to get the camera set up and then for him to put his finger on the button to take the photograph!  Mind you, it was a job to get all of her in this one but she is doing a great job on this.

We had a lovely day and if Mr. T is looking down, I wonder if he saw me snaffle one of his chocolates when no-one was looking?  

“What we once enjoyed
     and deeply loved
          we can never lose,
for all that we love deeply
     becomes part of us.”
Helen Keller

P.S.  Again, I apologise for not commenting, we are out to our Home Group meeting tonight, and the tablets are still making me feel very sleepy - just hope I don't doze off tonight!  M xx 

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