A headless creature...

...grazing in oats. The crane couple was on a field in the evening, while the swan family was on another field nearby.

Planting trees in the morning. After one hour I was in need of a break, with everything soaked in sweat including the sunglasses, so being interrupted by a delivery van in need to be pulled out of a ditch wasn't too bad. It did make the schedule for the rest of the day quite tight though, as I had some errands to run (some = eight places to visit!) and a meeting in the evening and I had to fit washing the water troughs in between. Managed it!

Quite hot, up to about +25°C. Thunder could be heard for the first time already before 11 am, but again few showers here, just one millimetre rainfall. If the forecasts are right, the end of the drought is near though.

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