Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Pegasus bridge …

I’ve been at the national war memorial arboretum again today, can’t stay away from the place . I took Eileen & Keith (they are responsible for Po being alive ) with me as they are house sitting for Po . Keith wanted to find a section we missed last time as the place is vast and we found it . The memorial to the brave men who were responsible for this particular campaign. I’ve added a link but it’s very long so you may want to skim read , the upshot is they used 6 little gliders and the men were shockingly brave and the bridge was held , absolutely fascinating.
I was also particularly moved by the Falkland’s war memorial garden . To be honest the whole place is beautiful and each time I go I find either a new section has be added or an old one I’ve missed as there is much to see .


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