Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Domestic Goddess Day!

Colin headed up to his mum's today, I sent her a bunch of sweet peas, always lovely to have, I do like the scent. Once he'd left, I set to with some tasks in the house.
I started with a couple of loads of washing which I got hung out and both of them came in dry later, so that was good.
My guilt over the fish tank saw me cleaning it out next.
I'd just stopped for a coffee when Katy came up to drop off a couple of things from their fridge before heading south to the inlaws and pastures further afield.
I had a hair appointment (finally, the last time I was there was before India!) and went on to Ali's afterwards to show off my new look. A touch of the Annie Lennox there according to my hairdresser... She always says that when it's been cut short the way I like it....if only!... freshly shorn me in the extra, a bit cheesy and taken by Ali.
When I got back from Ali's I set to at rediscovering the desk which was disappearing under several mounds of paper. I got my filing done too, so that earned another cup of tea.
Next task was the top of the chest of drawers in the bedroom which is a very handy dumping ground, too handy at times! I can now see the 130 year old wooden top in places!
My final task was to use the egg whites left over from my ice cream making the other day. Just as well I did as I realised I had taken no pictures for blip, so there you see it, taken at 10.30 pm, a large pavlova base and a dozen meringues which will be delicious with some strawberries and creme fraiche.
That reminds me I picked and ate the first half dozen raspberries this morning. They are going to be ready sooner than I'd expected.
I'm sure the elders aren't usually still flowering when I'm picking raspberries, as they are this year.
Friday again tomorrow and the last of the month so I'll try to remember to put the link to the National Galleries of Scotland's monthly art quiz

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