Sixtieth Anniversary

No longer the fingers of a nineteen year old when the  top two rings on the left were slipped fumbled onto my hand on June 29th, 1963, but the wrinkles and bumps are a testament to the fruitful passing of those years, the raising of three  children, the joy of watching six grandchildren grow to adulthood and the trials and tribulations of life together. The beautiful anniversary ring was fumbled pushed onto my finger today. We are now proud to be the matriarch and patriarch of of a wonderful family.
Many years ago, someone asked me what the secret to my marriage to John was, and I rather flippantly answered that it was probably the fact that we had nothing in common.

That is no longer true. We now have just about everything in common. We finish each other's sentences, find ourselves thinking about the same things at the same time, and share the same stories. We remain two very different people, but over the years we have grown to complement each other, like a knife and a fork or a baseball and a glove.

Our kids tell us we bicker, and we do, but if you're already finishing each other's sentences, how else can you have a conversation? Life moves on, sometimes in unpredictable ways and we learn to adjust as best we can. 
But we are always riding the waves together. 

It has been a good six decades.

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