Because this is who I am

By Brighde

Me & Anne

Recently I read Anne Franks diary. I think I downloaded the audiobook years ago when it was on 2 for 1 and I sort of forgot about it. I wanted to re-start my account but I figured I should probably just read what I have first.

My experience with Anne was not what I expected at all. Perhaps I was projecting my own experiences with writing my diary when I was her age and the absolute nonsense it was, and for some reason thinking it would be the same. I didn’t have anyone around me that had read it so I presumed it was some sort of ramblings.

Oh how I was so wrong.

Anne wrote with such love and maturity that I would of loved to of been at her age. The way she wrote about her love for boys, her diary and such funny stories about the people she was living with. You almost forgot what was going on because she was so comforting. I just know me and Anne would have been friends, the way she is unapologetically herself with her chatty ways. I used to write diaries all the time and I almost could feel myself back in that place of just scribbling down my every emotion. Her love for Peter and how she grows as a person whilst she’s in the Annex is incredible.

I feel like me and Anne were best friends and we were on FaceTime and she was telling me updates everyday.

I knew from the beginning, of course, she didn’t survive. Yet the pain when her diary abruptly stops is like a knife in your heart. Taken so young and so unnecessarily. I praise her dad for publishing her diary and the Anne Frank house for keeping her memories alive. Her birthday wasn’t that long ago and she would have been 94 years old. I bought sweets to celebrate at work because I felt like I had lived with her too in the Annex.

God bless you Anne. You’ll never know what you meant to me but I hope that one day I will meet you & tell you.

Happy Blipping.

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