
By NightNurse

1 week to go...!!

Can't believe it's been 3 weeks since London Moonwalk, and now I'm looking forward to Edinbra!!

I've slightly adapted the hat, I've embellished all my hats so a house full of Walk the Walkers it's more a necessity!!

One of my colleagues died at 51 years old 3 weeks ago, after a very courageous battle with this vile disease, and a very close school friend is currently on the last leg of radiotherapy following gruelling chemo and a double mastectomy. Here are several other people o know who've been affected too, some lucky to still be here today, some not so. I think pretty much everyone knows someone affected by breast cancer. Through research one day there will be a cure, and some of this research will also help with other cancers too. Thanks x

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