Not A Happy Face
2 Magpies hunkering down and trying to shelter from the rain.
They can't do that on my house - I had the fancy wooden bits taken down. I have made little wooden things out of them .... like this one.
My intention today had been to remove some of the plant material from the pond (the extras might explain why) but the weather hasn't really been conducive with that.
Having said that - SWMBO went with her sisters to do a bit of gardening at her mother's memorial and thereafter for lunch. Apparently there was just a bit of drizzle at the graveyard ..... and nearly several heart attacks when they saw the prices in the pub (obviously prices are hiked when an award is given).
I went and spent some time at the lathe.
I found a piece of 'Serpent Wood' (Snakewood is the more common name) which has been tucked away for years & years. I think I now need a new blade for the bandsaw and the turning gouges definitely need sharpened.....and I have only turned it from square to round!
Snakewood is reconned be be probably the hardest wood in the world.
EDIT ...........I got a reply from the Council - a grovelling apology to boot!
There should never be temporary traffic lights without work going on - especially for such a long time.
It turns out that BT needed work done and there has been a breakdown in communications with their workmen (apparently). It would appear that they shouldn't even have been on this road!!! Maybe that is why the 'repaired' hole was so small and not near anything!
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